Children’s Health

Pre school children show very fast changes on physical, mental and social level. A preschooler’s moods and feelings can be confusing. They show various moods from tears and tantrums to affectionate kisses and uncontrolled energy.
Here, at Aarogya we can help you understand your child better and deal with all the emotional ups and downs that your child goes through. Their hands and feet are adorably little. They wear small clothes, love tiny toys and have a favorite stuffed friend that is just the right size for them to cuddle.
But their feelings are so very big
Preschoolers (aged 2½ to 5 years) can have emotions that demand attention, support and resolution. They are intense, confusing, and surprisingly difficult. They cry suddenly and then are happy in no time. Get ready! You are about to dive into the rough and wonderful environment that is the emotional life of a preschooler.
Programmes & Schemes for Women & Child Development
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The Ministry of Women and Child Development has come up with several schemes deciding the norms of child nutrition. These are:
- National Guidelines on Infants and Young Child Feeding: these guidelines emphasize the importance of breast feeding. Breast feeding must commence immediately after birth and continue exclusively for six months before other forms of milk are introduced. Appropriate and adequate complementary feeding must commence there after and breast-feeding can continue for up to two years.
- National Nutrition Policy: was adopted by the Government of India in 1993 under the aegis of the Department of Women and Child Development. It advocated a multi-sectoral strategy for eradicating malnutrition and achieving optimum nutrition for all. The policy advocates the monitoring the nutrition levels across the country and sensitizing government machinery on the need for good nutrition and prevention of malnutrition. The National Nutrition Policy also includes the Food and Nutrition Board, which develops posters, audio jingles and video spots for disseminating correct facts about breastfeeding and complementary feeding.
- The Integrated Child Development Services Scheme: is one of the most comprehensive schemes on child development in the country and perhaps in the world. The Ministry of Women and Child Development has been running the scheme since 1975 in pursuance of the National Policy for Children.It aims at providing services to pre-school children in an integrated manner so as to ensure proper growth and development of children in rural, tribal and slum areas. This centrally sponsored scheme also monitors nutrition of children.
- Udisha - in Sanskrit means the first rays of the new dawn. It is a nationwide training component of the World Bank assisted Women and Child Development Project. Udisha has been cleared with an outlay of about Rs 600 crores for five years. UNICEF is also a technical collaborator in the Project. The programmes aims to train child care workers across the country. Its scope reaches as far are remote villages.
- Training Programmes under Udisha
- The Udisha Team
- Udisha at the State level
- National Policy for Children lays down that the State shall provide adequate services towards children, both before and after birth and during the growing stages for their full physical, mental and social development.
- National Charter for Children emphasizes Government of India’s commitment to children’s rights to survival, health and nutrition, standard of living, play and leisure, early childhood care, education, protection of the girl child, empowering adolescents, equality, life and liberty, name and nationality, freedom of expression, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, the right to a family and the right to be protected from economic exploitation and all forms of abuse.
- National Plan of Action for Children includes goals, objectives, strategies and activities for improving the nutritional status of children, reducing Infant Mortality Rate, increasing enrolment ratio, reducing drop out rates, universalization of primary education and increasing coverage for immunization.
- Other Schemes Include
- Balika Samriddhi Yojana (BSY)
- Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY)
- Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls (NPAG)
- Early Childhood Education for 3-6 Age Group Children Under the Programme of Universalization of Elementary Education.
- Scheme for welfare of Working Children in need of Care and Protection
- An Integrated Programme for Street Children
- Child line Services
- Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA)
- Rajiv Gandhi National Crèche Scheme For the Children of Working Mothers
- Programme for Juvenile Justice
- General Grant-in-Aid Scheme
- Pilot Project to Combat the Trafficking of Women and Children for Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Destination Areas
- Mid-day Meal Scheme
- National Crèche Fund
Children's Health
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