Children’s Health

Pre school children show very fast changes on physical, mental and social level. A preschooler’s moods and feelings can be confusing. They show various moods from tears and tantrums to affectionate kisses and uncontrolled energy.
Here, at Aarogya we can help you understand your child better and deal with all the emotional ups and downs that your child goes through. Their hands and feet are adorably little. They wear small clothes, love tiny toys and have a favorite stuffed friend that is just the right size for them to cuddle.
But their feelings are so very big
Preschoolers (aged 2½ to 5 years) can have emotions that demand attention, support and resolution. They are intense, confusing, and surprisingly difficult. They cry suddenly and then are happy in no time. Get ready! You are about to dive into the rough and wonderful environment that is the emotional life of a preschooler.
Tips for a Healthy Family
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- To reduce the danger of childbearing, all pregnant women should go to a health worker for pre-natal care and all births should be assisted by a trained midwife.
- For the first few months of a baby’s life, breast milk alone is the best possible food and drink. Infants need other foods, in addition to breast milk, when they are four to six months old.
- Children below three years have special feeding needs. They need to eat 5 to 6 times a day. Mashed vegetables and small amounts of fats or oils should be added to their food to enrich their diet.
- Diarrhea can kill by draining too much liquid from a child’s body. So the liquid lost each time the child passes a watery stool must be replaced by giving the child plenty of the right liquids to drink – breast milk, home – based fluids such as dal water, rice water, butter milk or a special drink called Oral Rehydration Suspension (ORS).
- Immunization protects against several diseases, which can cause poor growth, disability, and death. All immunization should be completed in the first year of the child's life and a booster dose should be given at one and half years.
- Most coughs and colds will get better on their own. But if a child with a cough is breathing much more rapidly than normal then the child is seriously ill and it is essential to go to a health centre quickly. A child with a cough or cold should be helped to eat and to drink plenty of liquids.
- Many illnesses are caused when germs enter the mouth. This can be prevented by using proper latrines, by washing hands with soap and water after using the latrine and before handling food, by keeping food and water clean, and by boiling drinking water if it is not from a safe piped supply.
- Parents should keep an eye on the child’s activities and also have knowledge about the mechanism of all the toys with which it plays
Children's Health
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