- “Pus with a vent”.
- Suppurations, deep–seated abscess, discharge of thick, yellow matter.
- Pustules, skin eruptions with discharge of yellow, purulent matter.
- Ulcers, abscesses, carbuncles, cuts taking too long to heal.
- Aggravation or return of symptoms after washing in water, after exercise and from heat.
Ferrum Phosphorica
The oxygen carrier. An extremely important remedy, since it is a constituent of hemoglobin, taking up oxygen from air inhaled and carrying it to all parts of the body. Therefore its connection is to all cells, since iron is present in albumen which is the basis of every cell.
- The principal remedy in the first stage of almost every illness/disease, bronchitis, carditis, diphtheria, nephritis, orchitis, etc.
- The first and foremost remedy in the early stage of inflammations.
- Throbbing pain, redness and heat of parts–whether in headache, inflamed gums, joint inflammation, eye inflammations, otitis (earache), tonsillitis, sore throat, etc.
- Wounds and injuries–first remedy. Can be applied to wounds and cuts too.
- Congestion of parts.
- Anemia.
- Complexion red and florid, or sallow, pale.
- Bleeding of bright red blood.
- Epistaxis (nosebleed).
- Vomiting of bright red blood.
- All fevers in the initial stages, and may be alternated with other remedies as indicated. Chilly stage of fevers. Shivering, heat, pain.
- All symptoms worse from warmth, excitement and motion, while cold and gentle motion ameliorates.