- Creamy yellow coating at back of tongue and the roof of the mouth. In fact this creamy–yellow or golden–yellow color is a prime indicator for this remedy – all discharges, whether from eyes, ears, during colds, coating on tonsils, phlegm expectorated, skin discharges, leucorrhoea, are of this color.
- Worms and all problems caused or aggravated by worms. Picking of nose, grinding of teeth during sleep, itching of anus, all indicative of worms.
- Acidity – sour eructation, burning, pains after eating.
- Morning sickness when sour fluids brought up. Vomiting of acid fluid.
- “One ear red, hot and frequently itchy, accompanied by gastric derangement and acidity”.
- Sour smelling perspiration.
- Rheumatic pains, legs feel weak, creaking of joints, gout.
- “Rose rash”on skin, with golden or creamy yellow secretions. Eczema with similar discharges. Hives.
Natrum Sulphurica
Regulates intercellular fluid density by eliminating excess water.
Greenish Gray, dirty coating on the tongue. The characteristic coating on the tongue points to the choice of the remedy in headaches, indigestion, diarrhea, skin conditions, whatever the problem.
- Complaints arising fromliving in damp conditions and from eating fish, water–laden plants,etc.
- Mental troubles arising frominjury to the head.
- Biliousness. Bitter taste inmouth. Slimy mucous in mouth, rising from stomach. Vomiting ofgreenish water, or bile. Jaundice. Hypertrophy of liver – sharp painsin liver region, worse lying on the left side. “Irritable liver”.
- Urine “looks likebrick–dust and clings to sides of the vessel”. Diabetes – the main biochemic remedy. Excessive urination in diabetes.
- Gout, acute or chronic. Rheumatism with bilious symptoms.
- “Hands and feet twitchduring sleep”.
- Skin conditions with bilioussymptoms and the characteristic tongue. Dropsy.
- Malaria and intermittentfevers – principal remedy for all stages.
- Aggravation in the morning,and from damp. Better for warm, dry atmosphere.