Kali Muriatica
A constituent of blood corpuscles, nerve cells, brain cells, muscles and in intercellular fluid. “A sluggish remedy for sluggish constitutions.”
- Usually a second stage remedy, often alternated with Ferrum Phos, or with other indicated remedies.
- Whitish–grey coating on tongue.
- Grayish–white discharges.
- Burns and blisters. Can be used externally on burns too–as a compress.
- Chronic catarrhal ear trouble, esp. middle ear. Acts on closed Eustachian tubes.
- Primary remedy in glandular swellings.
- Adenoids.
- Diphtheria–often the only remedy required.
- Mumps, also swollen glands about neck.
- Dyspepsia from eating rich or fatty food. Lack of appetite. Waterbrash.
- Constipation, stools light–colored, showing sluggish liver function.
- Congestion and inflammations in the second stage, anywhere in the body.
Kali Phosphorica
Kali Phos may be said to work with Ferrum Phos as an oxygen carrier, it assists in the osmosis of oxygen from the blood to the tissues, completing the process initiated by Ferrum Phos. Kali Phos is a constituent “Of all animal fluids and tissues.. notably of the brain, nerves, muscles and blood cells.”